WARNING: There are a lot of slime recipes that claim to be glue or borax free, but if they use contact lens solution or liquid starch, then they cannot truly be called “borax free.” Or you might be concerned about what would happen if your child tried to taste any of that slime. We love our Elmer’s glue slime recipes - BUT - if you have young kids, you might worry about exposure to the chemicals used in these glue & borax slimes. The result is super-stretchy, long-lasting slime – awesome stuff!

Many of the traditional slime recipes that you’ll find on the internet are glue-based and use borax or boric acid (either in liquid starch or saline solution) as an activator. While I still supervise my girls closely when we make any type slime (even our safe slimes), with these no glue slime recipes I don’t have to worry about them sneaking a taste or licking their fingers while I’m not watching. The result was fabulous: squishy, colorful slime that smelled fantastic and was actually taste-safe too! That’s why we started looking for ideas to make slime without glue, using simple kitchen ingredients. That way I didn’t have to worry about the girls touching or tasting any harsh substances. And of course she didn’t want to miss out on any activities that her older sister did, like making slime! When we first started making slime, my youngest daughter was two years old and still in the stage where she wanted to put everything in her mouth. We love it in our house and I love to show others how to make slime, especially safe slime recipes that are kid-safe, taste-safe, and worry-free!

Slime may have started as a trend, but it looks like it’s here to stay! And why not – slime is easy to make and provides hours of fun, sensory play. Over the past year and a half I’ve gotten a reputation as a “slime blogger” - and I’m totally ok with that! How to make slime without glue or borax - non toxic and safe for kids of all ages! Learn to master making some of our favorite edible slimes! How to Make Slime without Glue Jump to Recipe Jump to Video Print Recipe