This game contains 5 rounds where the contestant can choose to take the money at the end of the round or press their luck and go to the next round where cash and prizes increase in value. The contestant who survives the gameboard round with the most money wins and proceeds to the bonus game. They can also choose to pass spins to another contestant in hopes that they will land on a Whammy to deplete their opponents earnings. The contestants press their luck on the 18-space gameboard by spinning for prizes and cash in hopes that they won’t press at the wrong time and land on a whammy that would take all of their money. To start the game each contestant collects spins by answering two rounds of trivia questions. This high energy game show fuses content knowledge, strategy, and chance as three contestants test their knowledge to earn spins which lead to money and prizes. Let me share with you the game overview and how you could create your own classroom edition for Press Your Luck. Sure enough, I found that this game show would be a great addition to any content area or grade level.

I relived my childhood by curling up on the couch to begin binge watching one of my favorite reimagined classics, Press Your Luck. As an educator who loves bringing reality game shows into the classroom, I knew that I would be able to take the inspiration from watching these shows and find ways to create magical learning experiences for students. When I heard that they were bringing back some of my favorites from my childhood I was elated.

I loved the elements of chance, strategy, surprise, laughter, and contestant banter that hooked me from beginning to end and made me want to watch them over and over again.

The Price is Right, $25,000 Pyramid, Press Your Luck, Double Dare, Card Sharks, and Hollywood Squares are just a few of the shows that captured my attention. When I was a little girl I loved curling up on the couch to watch my favorite television game shows.